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- AMORC Members only
For over 70 years AMORC members have worn Rosicrucian Membership Rings to proudly symbolise their membership.
Without undue display, the simple Rosicrucian Membership ring will announce, to all who may know its significance, that you are a Rosicrucian and that their acquaintance is welcome.
Our membership rings are made in Australia and have been designed in two sizes. A large display and a smaller display. Both designs have a genuine ruby 'rose’.
Each ring is identified on the inside with an AMORC hallmark and the metal content.
The ring is also available rose gold - please mention in the comment section.
Large Display: 1.5 cm high x 1.5 cm wide
Small Display: 1.26 cm high x 1.26 cm wide
We ask you to please choose carefully, as refunds are NOT available on any ring ordered.
Please note, each ring is specifically made to order from our trusted supplier and takes 3-4 weeks to be manufactured. If your order includes other items, we will withhold shipping to our adhere to our Sustainability Policy.
Restricted Sales to AMORC members only! Purchases from outside the Australasian jurisdiction will need to provide proof of membership.