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E Book - Great Women Initiates

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Throughout history, there have been women of exceptional courage and inspiration. Some, such as Joan of Arc, are well known; others have remained in relative obscurity - until now.

In this book, Helene Bernard examines from a Rosicrucian viewpoint the lives of 13 great women mystics.

Jeanne Guesdon
Esclarmonde de Foix
Tiy and Nefertiti
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Hildegarde de Bingen
Mâ Ananda Moyî
Lady Pernelle
Maria Deraismes
Tiphaine de Raguenel
Joan of Arc
Dona Béatrice

Her research and insight have unveiled these unsung heroines who, even in the face of great adversity, have staunchly defended freedom of thought and the light of mysticism.


by Helene Bernard SRC.
