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The Meditation Service Work Collection is a unique collection of special instruction and meditation effort, pioneered by AMORC, in an effort to combine our special invocations of the Cosmic, with the efforts of other workers of the light within humanity.
The Equinox Meditation Set was the first of these works to be released in response to world need, to add the light of our lineage to the growing network of light upon the planet.
Spring Meditationallows us to attune with the energies of the Spring and the full moon cycle. Featuring two tracks consisting of explanations, some chanted mantras from the Upanishad and the Bhagavad Gita, and a guided meditation workshop.
Autumn Meditationhas a 45 minute guided meditation workshop allowing us to attune to the autumn equinox and the full moon cycle.
Continue on your next spiritual step with the Solstice Meditation Set.This set completes the living cross built of collective love and aspiration through an integrated network of joint meditation services anchored at the equinoxes and solstices.
Summer Meditationallows us to attune with the energies of the summer solstice and the full moon cycle. Featuring two tracks consisting of a preparatory track and a final guided meditation.
Winter Meditation is the final CD of the Meditation Service Work Collection. Featuring two tracks consisting of a preparatory track and a final guided meditation.
Spring:Approx. 45 mins
Summer:Approx. 52 mins
Autumn:Approx. 45 mins
Winter:Approx. 51 mins