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What you can do for your child . . .One of the most meaningful gifts you can give your child is to awaken, inspire, and motivate the power he or she already possesses.
All knowledge, all wisdom, is already inside your child as a potential. General schooling is too often limited to the education of the outer self. It falls to you, the parents, to develop your child’s character.
The Child Culture series offers a system that educates the parents, as well as the child, at the same time. There are three courses, each consisting of several chapters, or lessons, which are meant to be read one chapter
Pre-Natal -Course 1 (29 chapters):
Perhaps you are an expectant parent. Do you realise that there are things you can do and think that may have a beneficial influence upon your prospective child? If the mother’s diet, improper clothes, and insufficient sleep affect the unborn child, then what effect do worry, fear, and anger have upon it?
This course reveals the methods used by the ancient Greeks to attract lovely children with beautiful minds and soul personalities. This system guides the expectant parents in methods of influencing the mental, psychic, and cultural tendencies in the consciousness of the coming child.
Post Natal - Course 2 (20 chapters)
Is designed for parents of preschool children - those under six years of age. The purpose of this course is the prevention of emotional or behavioural problems; however, the principles presented may also be used to help older children, or those who are already exhibiting problem behaviour. It explains how to win the child’s confidence, how to impress him or her with certain fundamental truths and principles that contribute to the development of good character and habits, and how to assist the child’s mental and physical development.
Story Lessons - Course 3 (25 chapters)
Contains a series of stories or lessons for parents to read to the child. Each story explains in simple language some great fundamental law of nature or of the universe.
The stories help the child learn to avoid difficulties, overcome and master problems, and develop honesty, truthfulness, and broadness of vision. They appeal to the mystical tendencies of the child, but nothing of a sectarian nature is given. Each story is designed to carefully unveil nature’s great principles in a manner that develops the child’s inner wisdom.
Cover: Softcover
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