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Rosicrucian Reflections

Written in stages, initially as speeches and lectures given to members of the Rosicrucian Order, this book represents the thoughts and ideas of a life-long Rosicrucian. Some chapters are short, others much longer, and their style and content varies according to the circumstances of their first publication. Some will have been delivered as lectures at Rosicrucian Conventions, while others will have appeared as magazine articles in several of the thirty or more magazines published by the worldwide Rosicrucian Order.

Having this book in your hands means that you may well be interested in the spiritual nature of your deeper self. Whatever the reason and circumstances of coming across it however, the author encourages you to acquaint yourself with the spiritual, philosophical and humanistic arguments provided in it, and to apply to your daily life whatever you find good and useful. Above all, in case you have not done so yet, you are urged to follow your heart onto a genuine initiatic path of inner development such as that provided by Rosicrucians through the organisation they call their spiritual home, the world-wide Rosicrucian Order.

Author: Christian Bernard FRC

Pages:  230 -Small format

Cover: Paperback
